My Webtoons List
BL, GL, HL, TL (I'm talking about translove but I'm not sure if it's the right word) Drama and Thriller.
It's by writing this that I realise I have a lot of story. WoW!
You will see all my webtoons on this page. The first ones are the most advanced/finished and the last ones are only ideas.
Draw me in Your heart
Length : between 43-50 episodes
Genre : GL ("real world", I mean that there are homophobic characters)
Global information
The first 3 episodes are available on Webtoon France (because I participated in a contest). The 10 first episodes are drawn and I have the resume for each episodes. However some of them seems to be too long or too short.That's why I wrote "between 43-50 episodes".
Mystelle asked Skye about her preference in man. Skye doesn't know. She try to draw her ideal man but at the end begin to draw woman. The day after, the woman she drew appears on the living room.
About the character
Skye Howe : law student. Don't talk much. Like to draw. Like to be on her own.
Summer Becker : old friend of Skye. Also a law student. Mean. Like to be the center of attention.
Lacasa Irene : friend of Skye. Law student. Member of the gym club. Exercice with Luka.
Mystelle Young : law student. Friend with everyone. Yuzhi's girlfriend. Want everybody to be happy.
The drawing : Came to life thanks to Skye. Easily upset. Seduce without realizing it.
Jatniel Ruiz : Summer's boyfriend. Either really nice or really mean. Leader of the gym club.
Luka Cowan : Irene's friend. Always happy and smiling. Kind of shy.
Yuzhi Lin : Lawyer. Introvert. Can seem distant and cold but gentle and sweet.
The coffee
Length : estimate 60 episodes
Genre : GL / HL
Global information
I have the beginning and the ending. I have all the details about the characters and everything that are going to happen in the middle but there are some elements that need to be fixed. I'm currently changing the place of the narration and therefore the name of the characters.
Work in a café. She hates women. One day the boss comes in to introduce the new woman employee. It's her old friend. She will help her to know more about the Café. At the same times, a man begin to come everyday.
About the character
Protagoniste (she) : Had bad memories. Reason why she can't stand woman. Try to avoid them at all cost.
Man coming everyday : He comes to the Café everyday. Listen to protagoniste a lot. Patient.
Rival (she) : Annoying. the princess. in love with the man.
Rival's bestfriend (she) : Work at the Café. The only woman the protagoniste can talk to.
Length : ???
Genre : Drama, Psychological, Romance (mostly BL)
Global information
I wrote the beginning (the 6th episode is too long) and two ending. The first one was tragic so I decided to make a "kind of" happy end (even though it's not happy AT ALL!) I have some story in the middle but not everything.
Manager comes to Seoul to become the manager of a new Kpop group. Each member is unique. Manager comes to Seoul with one objectif. Manager's big sister is missing and manager will find her! Every character have a secret. Will you be able to find them all?
About the character
Manager : No name, no pronoun. Which mean you can be a He, She, They, Xe... (not easy to write for me sometimes but it doesn't matter)! My will is for every reader to be included.
Boo Wooyeol : Leader of the group. Sweet. Calm. Can be tough on Jaekyung. Love the sea.
Ban Jaekyung : Hateful. Contemptuous of Manager. Speak badly to everyone. Love nothing.
Soon Hyunmin : Funny guy. Energetic. Dancer of the group. Love cooking.
Kyeong Junhyuk (Ben) : Don't speak much. Don't smile. No expression. Love baseball(?).
Guk Moonsik : Sweet little kitten. Shy and lovely. Always with Junhyuk. Love going out.
Length : 30 episodes (season 1), ??? (season 2)
Genre : BL
Global information
The story seems too short. I'm adding mini story for Kanaharu to make him more loveable. I decided to divide it into two parts because it's funny that way. The "most" important character of season 2 is introduced in season 1!
Haruhi is a student. Kanaharu is a violin teacher. Haruhi lives with a girl but their colocation suddenly stop. Kanaharu is transfered to the big city and need a place to live.
About the character
Shiki Haruhi : Crazy, happy, smiling all the time. Love make up.
Saito Kanaharu : Calm, lovely with child.
The princess
Length : ???
Genre : GL
Global information
I wrote this one as a novel so I don't have any drawing for it.
Madeline is turning 18.Her father has decided to have her marry the prince of a frontier kingdom. Madeline is against it, but she has no choice. She decides to leave the castle. She has to fend for herself in a town she knows little about.
About the character
Madeline : Princess. Don't know the real world. Want to escape but don't know where.
Ezae : Meet Madeline in the city. Help her.
Recci :
A wedding??
Length : ???
Genre : HL
Global information
Not a story but something I made up on my mind (after a real event) and find funny. Lots of romance are stupid so why not this one?
One day a fan send a message to her favorite singer ("Will you marry me?") and he respond "Yes".
About the character
Fan : Normal girl. Don't understand what is happening.
Singer : Too nice for this world. Smile all the time.
The Game
Length : ???
Genre : Harem
Global information
I read a manhua but wasn't satisfied by the overall story. So I made my version of it! (however, I don't find a happy end)
"Look! You can have an exclusive card about you and your favorite character!" As Tien went home, she played her game and try to get the card. She clicked on the button but nothing happened. A second later she was in the game surrounding by all the characters.
About the character
Tien : 17yo
Group 1 : Saki (shy), Hana (happy), Emiri (funny)
Group 2 : Fumiko (clever), Hayami (sensual), Kairi (cool)
Group 3 : Reiko (calm), Akane (athlete), Kanon (unlucky)
The constellations
Length : ???
Genre : Adventure, Action
Global information
No drawing. I was brainstorming about something else and thought of a shonen about people linked to stars.
Each individual is linked to a specific constellation, which they discover at the age of 12. These bonds confer unique abilities. Individuals must protect their constellation and get to know them. However, dark individuals (linked to forgotten constellations) want to steal the powers.
About the character
Hero : Young man, linked to a forgotten constellation.
Hero friend : Young girl, join the hero after they helped a group of children
Hero friend : Two or three years older. Tragic life, in the Raven constellation. Hate it.
Master : Will help the hero to know more about his constellation.
Back in times
Length : ???
Genre : Dark, Drama, Action
Global information
No drawing. Just like the one above. I want death, tragic destiny... a dark story!
An introverted high-school student discovers an antique clock in his grandfather's attic. By activating it, he travels back in time. Delighted, he uses it to correct his past mistakes. But each time he uses it, a memory is taken from him.
About the character
Hero :
Hero friend :
The Club :

Summer and Skye

Characters (the most important one)

The man, the rival and the rival's bestfriend

jamoOng members and manager (first drawing, left)
[Blue hair = Wooyeol; Brown hair = Hyunmin;
Black hair = Jaekyung; Red hair = Moonsik;
Blonde hair = Junhyuk]

Haruhi and Kanaharu and the young actor (season 2)